Sunday, September 23, 2007

Yom Kippur mesage for me

Yesterday was our holy day holiday of Yom Kippur. I had a rough time because of distractions of others which is now going to be a problem in the future. When I was drinking, many things I would sweep aside, if they bothered me. Even if I was not drunk at the time, maybe there was a hangover or in general knowing that I have something to drink at home later, kept things quiet for me. I am quiet by nature so I tend to not get involved in incidents. But now, I don't have that 'safety net' I do get involved. Of course, I cannot control or change the world. There are asshole but they are a minority. I often focus on this minority too much. of other polite drivers. So why do I focus and get all concerned about the moron?

I got the holiday message early on Sat. morning. I could have stopped right there.

My feeling of love of my higher power being mutual. I asked my higher power to love me even more this year.

1 comment:

Marci said...

Shanah tovah u'metukah. I wish you a good and healthy new year.